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Indoor micro farming

Санкт-Петербург | Добавлено: 15 января 2023, номер: 1364
    Vegetarian is a unique design that resembles a greenhouse, but has significant differences. A veggie allows you to grow a variety of plants throughout the year. At the same time, the yield of greens and vegetables will be much higher and of better quality, and most importantly, much earlier than when grown in open ground.
    Let's find out what are the features and recommendations for growing various crops in a bio-vegetarian.
    Features of a vegetarian
    Today, solar bio-vegetarian is considered an interesting novelty in the world of growing various garden plants. And such designs are increasingly found, both in small areas and in fairly large farms aimed at business.
    This design has many advantages. First of all, it is good illumination of the interior. As a result, the growth and development of plants is significantly improved, as they receive a sufficient amount of sunlight.
    There is also a ventilation system, which is designed so that the air reaches the plants without problems and losses of important elements (hydrogen, carbon dioxide).
    With a properly constructed structure, if the vegetarian was built independently, minimal heat loss is observed in winter. This is the main advantage over simple greenhouses, where an additional heating system is needed to maintain the correct microclimate.
    The roof of the vegetarian is made so that the sun's rays pass at a right angle. As a result, enough sunlight is accumulated inside the room to store the energy and heat necessary for the full growth of vegetables and fruits.
    Vegetarian is equipped with a special irrigation system, which greatly facilitates the process of planting maintenance. Each plant receives a sufficient amount of moisture, which positively affects the volume and quality of the crop.
    Indoor micro farming is a growing trend in agriculture that allows anyone to grow fresh produce right in their own home, regardless of the season or climate. At our company, we specialize in providing the highest quality indoor micro farming solutions that are both efficient and sustainable.
    Our indoor micro farming systems are designed to be compact and easy to use, making them perfect for homes, apartments, or even offices. They utilize the latest technologies in hydroponics and LED lighting to provide optimal growing conditions for a wide range of plants, from herbs and vegetables to fruits and flowers.
    By growing your own fresh produce at home, you can save money, reduce waste, and have the satisfaction of knowing exactly where your food comes from. Plus, you'll have access to fresh, nutrient-dense produce year-round, regardless of the weather or growing season.
    At our company, we are committed to helping our customers achieve their indoor micro farming goals. We offer a range of products and services, from complete indoor micro farming kits to individual components and supplies. Our team of experts is always available to provide guidance and support, and we offer competitive pricing and fast shipping on all of our products.
    If you're interested in indoor micro farming and want to learn more about our products and services, contact us today. We look forward to helping you start your own home-grown produce revolution!
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