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Urban farming innovations

Санкт-Петербург | Добавлено: 15 января 2023, номер: 1348
    Urban farming is an innovative approach to agriculture that has gained popularity in recent years due to its ability to address food security and sustainability issues in urban areas. With the world's population expected to reach 9.7 billion by 2050, urban farming is becoming an increasingly important solution to the challenges of feeding growing populations in cities.
    One of the key innovations in urban farming is the use of vertical farming techniques, which involve growing crops in stacked layers, often in indoor environments. This approach allows for year-round production, maximizes space efficiency, and reduces water usage and pesticide needs.
    Another innovation in urban farming is the use of aquaponics, which combines hydroponic plant cultivation with aquaculture, the farming of aquatic animals. The system works by using fish waste to provide nutrients for the plants, while the plants in turn filter the water for the fish. This closed-loop system is highly efficient and produces both fresh produce and fish.
    In addition to these technological innovations, urban farming also involves creative approaches to utilizing existing urban spaces, such as rooftops, balconies, and abandoned lots. This allows for the production of fresh, locally grown produce in areas where traditional agriculture may not be feasible.
    Urban farming also has significant benefits for the environment and local communities. It reduces the carbon footprint associated with transporting food over long distances, promotes sustainable land use practices, and provides access to fresh produce in food deserts, where access to healthy food is limited.
    In conclusion, urban farming innovations are transforming the way we think about agriculture and providing sustainable solutions to the challenges of food security and environmental sustainability. With ongoing advancements in technology and creative approaches to utilizing urban spaces, urban farming has the potential to play an increasingly important role in feeding our growing cities in the years to come.
    SBV is a new generation greenhouse that allows you to grow eco-vegetables, herbs, fruits and berries of exceptional quality 365 days a year. SBV is the most modern and efficient greenhouse system.
    SBV is designed to eliminate extreme natural conditions and simulate ideal conditions for crop growth. In SBV, nature-like technologies are used, which allow to optimize natural processes to obtain the maximum yield. The translucent part faces strictly south, which maximizes the use of solar energy. The air convection system allows you to minimize the cost of maintaining the microclimate in a closed ground.
    The prime cost per square meter of SBV is 4 times lower than that of Western professional greenhouses, which makes it possible to build it not only for every eco-farmer, but also for summer residents. The eternal dream of all the inhabitants of our northern country has come true - to grow tomatoes all year round.
    Thanks to the ingenuity of the world's most famous vegetable grower, Wang Lei, more than a million year-round greenhouses have already been built in China, with their translucent side facing south. As a consequence, China is today the largest vegetable producer in the world. Shandong Province alone supplies more vegetables to the world market than all Russian vegetable growers combined.
    However, Chinese greenhouses have a number of disadvantages: they cannot efficiently accumulate and rationally use solar energy, the plants in them are grown "using chemistry" using monoculture technology, and pollute the environment.
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