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Organic raw honey bulk

Санкт-Петербург | Добавлено: 16 января 2023, номер: 1659
  • Состояние: Выберите 
Popular varieties: flower, sunflower, linden, acacia, May, buckwheat, cypress, chestnut, mountain. Any consistency of the product: liquid and honeycombed, crystallized, creamy. A huge line of honey compositions in which natural floral honey is mixed with freeze-dried berries, fruits and nuts. Also in the range of extracts, ointments, tinctures, herbal teas and consumables for trade. All products are certified according to TR CU, honey is accompanied through FGIS "Mercury".
The conditions of large and small wholesale may be of interest to specialized shops, health food stores, confectionery factories in St. Petersburg and other cities of Russia. The minimum order for one product name is 1 container or a package of 6 jars of packaged honey. Individual prices for large wholesale sales-from 1 ton in the range.
Principles of operation:
Quality assurance. Full package of documents for all products.
Careful selection of producers from Central Russia, Altai, Far East, Kuban, Bashkiria.
Compliance with the HACCP concept during storage and transportation of opta. The use of modern technologies and special dishes to prevent spoilage.
Reasonable price. We have prices without extra surcharges.
Looking for a sweet and healthy alternative to processed sugar? Look no further than our organic raw honey, available in bulk!
Our honey is 100% pure and natural, with no additives, preservatives, or artificial flavors. It's sourced directly from local beekeepers who use sustainable, ethical practices to ensure the health and well-being of their bees.
We offer our organic raw honey in bulk, making it a convenient and cost-effective option for your home or business. Whether you're a chef looking to incorporate natural sweeteners into your recipes, or a retailer looking to stock your shelves with high-quality honey, we have the perfect solution for you.
Our honey is rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, and has been shown to have numerous health benefits, including boosting the immune system and providing natural energy. It's also a delicious and versatile ingredient, perfect for use in everything from baking to salad dressings.
At wholesale prices, our organic raw honey is a smart investment for anyone looking for a healthy, sustainable alternative to processed sugar. Contact us today to learn more about our products and how they can benefit your business!
Welcome to our store, your destination for premium organic raw honey in bulk. We take pride in offering you the finest selection of pure, unprocessed honey sourced directly from trusted beekeepers.
Our organic raw honey is produced with the utmost care and attention to ensure its exceptional quality. It is harvested from bee colonies that forage in natural, pesticide-free environments, allowing the bees to collect nectar from a variety of flowers and plants.
By choosing our organic raw honey in bulk, you can enjoy its full range of health benefits. Packed with natural enzymes, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, our honey supports your immune system, promotes digestive health, and provides a natural energy boost.
The versatility of our organic raw honey makes it a perfect addition to your kitchen pantry. Use it as a natural sweetener in your favorite recipes, add it to teas or smoothies, or drizzle it over yogurt and fresh fruits for a delightful treat.
Purchasing our organic raw honey in bulk not only ensures a steady supply but also offers excellent value for your money. Whether you're a health-conscious individual, a culinary enthusiast, or a business owner, our bulk quantities are designed to meet your needs.
Experience the pure goodness of organic raw honey by ordering in bulk from our store today. We guarantee the highest standards of quality and customer satisfaction, providing you with a product that exemplifies nature's sweetness at its best.
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